Since 2020, and waves of lockdown across the world, I’ve kept a weather eye on Zavy’s Radar tool to get the pulse of the nation. How are people feeling? Which brands are they responding well to? What brand activity earns positive sentiment and high engagement? What does not?
From the answers to those questions, five essential learnings for brands emerged. And while they especially apply during times of crisis and change – the principles are evergreen. You'll also find some more detail in the infographic below.
Self-centred messaging doesn't land well at the best of times, and right now you'll get no forgiveness for it. Show gratitude for customers and for staff and if people tell you their needs are not being met, respond quickly.
Instead, help alleviate fear by clearly communicating how your organisation is participating in the collective effort to overcome the crisis.
But in a way that suits this new context. What job do people look to your brand to help them complete? What can you do to make it easier for them within lockdown restrictions?
Clearly communicate how your organisation is participating in the country's collective effort.
Keep listening. Understand people's needs and be the first to provide relevant help and advice. Respond quickly if customers signal unmet needs.
What it boils down to is brands behaving in the same way that we’d expect people to: respectfully, kindly and authentically.